Fixtures/Results Archive

Summer 2015 Division Four

Division FourMatchesSinglesDoublesTeamOverall
Lower Bell1347271993
Walnut Tree B1346181579
Old House at Home B1340221375
Cherry Tree1342171574
Papermaker's Arms1338181571
Maidstone Snooker Club132018543
Good Intent B7153520
Highest Out Shot - Graham (Old House) 140
13th May 2015Walnut Tree BvPapermaker's Arms3 . 31 . 20 . 24 . 7
13th May 2015Cherry TreevGood Intent B4 . 22 . 11 . 17 . 4
13th May 2015Maidstone Snooker ClubvLower Bell0 . 60 . 30 . 20 . 11
13th May 2015RailwayvOld House at Home B3 . 31 . 21 . 15 . 6
13th May 2015ByevBye
20th May 2015Walnut Tree BvCherry Tree5 . 12 . 11 . 18 . 3
20th May 2015Good Intent BvMaidstone Snooker Club4 . 21 . 22 . 07 . 4
20th May 2015Lower BellvRailway3 . 31 . 22 . 06 . 5
20th May 2015Old House at Home BvBye
20th May 2015ByevPapermaker's Arms
27th May 2015Papermaker's ArmsvCherry Tree5 . 12 . 11 . 18 . 3
27th May 2015Good Intent BvWalnut Tree B0 . 40 . 20 . 20 . 8Good Intent breached rule 8
27th May 2015RailwayvMaidstone Snooker Club5 . 12 . 12 . 09 . 2Game played 10/6
27th May 2015Lower BellvBye
27th May 2015ByevOld House at Home B
3rd June 2015Maidstone Snooker ClubvCherry Tree2 . 43 . 00 . 25 . 6
3rd June 2015Good Intent BvLower Bell3 . 30 . 30 . 23 . 8
3rd June 2015ByevRailway
3rd June 2015Old House at Home BvPapermaker's Arms4 . 22 . 12 . 08 . 3
3rd June 2015Walnut Tree BvBye
10th June 2015Papermaker's ArmsvGood Intent B4 . 02 . 02 . 08 . 0good Intent breached rule 8/9 on 24/6
10th June 2015Old House at Home BvWalnut Tree B4 . 22 . 10 . 26 . 5
10th June 2015Cherry TreevLower Bell2 . 41 . 21 . 14 . 7
10th June 2015ByevRailway
10th June 2015Maidstone Snooker ClubvBye
17th June 2015Papermaker's ArmsvMaidstone Snooker Club4 . 22 . 12 . 08 . 3
17th June 2015ByevCherry Tree
17th June 2015RailwayvWalnut Tree B2 . 42 . 10 . 24 . 7Game played 26/8
17th June 2015Good Intent BvOld House at Home B2 . 40 . 31 . 13 . 8
17th June 2015Lower BellvBye
24th June 2015ByevPapermaker's Arms
24th June 2015RailwayvCherry Tree3 . 31 . 21 . 15 . 6
24th June 2015Walnut Tree BvMaidstone Snooker Club4 . 21 . 20 . 25 . 6
24th June 2015Lower BellvOld House at Home B3 . 31 . 22 . 06 . 5
24th June 2015Good Intent BvBye
1st July 2015Papermaker's ArmsvLower Bell3 . 31 . 20 . 24 . 7
1st July 2015ByevWalnut Tree B
1st July 2015Cherry TreevOld House at Home B2 . 42 . 11 . 15 . 6
1st July 2015RailwayvGood Intent B2 . 42 . 11 . 15 . 6
1st July 2015Maidstone Snooker ClubvBye
8th July 2015Papermaker's ArmsvRailway3 . 31 . 22 . 06 . 5
8th July 2015Lower BellvWalnut Tree B4 . 22 . 11 . 17 . 4
8th July 2015Cherry TreevBye
8th July 2015ByevGood Intent B
8th July 2015Old House at Home BvMaidstone Snooker Club3 . 31 . 22 . 06 . 5
15th July 2015 - Free Week
22nd July 2015 - Singles' Knockout Cup
29th July 2015Papermaker's ArmsvWalnut Tree B3 . 32 . 12 . 07 . 4
29th July 2015Good Intent BvCherry Tree
29th July 2015Lower BellvMaidstone Snooker Club5 . 12 . 11 . 18 . 3Game not played points awarded
29th July 2015Old House at Home BvRailway3 . 32 . 11 . 16 . 5
29th July 2015ByevBye
5th August 2015Cherry TreevWalnut Tree B3 . 32 . 11 . 16 . 5
5th August 2015Maidstone Snooker ClubvGood Intent B
5th August 2015RailwayvLower Bell1 . 51 . 20 . 22 . 9
5th August 2015ByevOld House at Home B
5th August 2015Papermaker's ArmsvBye
12th August 2015Cherry TreevPapermaker's Arms5 . 12 . 11 . 18 . 3Game not played points awarded
12th August 2015Walnut Tree BvGood Intent B
12th August 2015Maidstone Snooker ClubvRailway1 . 51 . 20 . 22 . 9
12th August 2015ByevLower Bell
12th August 2015Old House at Home BvBye
19th August 2015 - Doubles' Knockout Cup
26th August 2015Cherry TreevMaidstone Snooker Club6 . 01 . 22 . 09 . 2
26th August 2015Lower BellvGood Intent B
26th August 2015RailwayvBye
26th August 2015Papermaker's ArmsvOld House at Home B5 . 10 . 30 . 25 . 6
26th August 2015ByevWalnut Tree B
2nd September 2015Good Intent BvPapermaker's Arms
2nd September 2015Walnut Tree BvOld House at Home B4 . 02 . 02 . 08 . 0Old house breached rule 8
2nd September 2015Lower BellvCherry Tree3 . 33 . 02 . 08 . 3
2nd September 2015RailwayvBye
2nd September 2015ByevMaidstone Snooker Club
9th September 2015Maidstone Snooker ClubvPapermaker's Arms3 . 31 . 21 . 15 . 6
9th September 2015Cherry TreevBye
9th September 2015Walnut Tree BvRailway3 . 32 . 11 . 16 . 5
9th September 2015Old House at Home BvGood Intent B
9th September 2015ByevLower Bell
16th September 2015Papermaker's ArmsvBye
16th September 2015Cherry TreevRailway4 . 21 . 21 . 16 . 5
16th September 2015Maidstone Snooker ClubvWalnut Tree B2 . 41 . 21 . 14 . 7
16th September 2015Old House at Home BvLower Bell4 . 21 . 21 . 16 . 5
16th September 2015ByevGood Intent B
23rd September 2015Lower BellvPapermaker's Arms5 . 12 . 11 . 18 . 3
23rd September 2015Walnut Tree BvBye
23rd September 2015Old House at Home BvCherry Tree2 . 41 . 20 . 23 . 8
23rd September 2015Good Intent BvRailway
23rd September 2015ByevMaidstone Snooker Club
30th September 2015RailwayvPapermaker's Arms5 . 12 . 11 . 18 . 3Game not played points awarded
30th September 2015Walnut Tree BvLower Bell5 . 11 . 22 . 08 . 3
30th September 2015ByevCherry Tree
30th September 2015Good Intent BvBye
30th September 2015Maidstone Snooker ClubvOld House at Home B1 . 51 . 20 . 22 . 9
7th October 2015 - Captain's Knockout Cup
14th October 2015 - Re-arranged Matches / Landlord's Cup
21st October 2015 - Summer League AGM (Venue tbc)
28th October 2015 - Charity Night (Details to follow)
4th November 2015 - Finals & Presentation Night (Venue tbc)

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