Fixtures/Results Archive

Summer 2024 Division Four

Division FourMatchesSinglesDoublesTriplesOverall
Westborough Club B16522923104
Bearsted Club16522820100
Eagle B16602020100
Walnut Tree B16523018100
Papermakers A1642231075
Eagle A1638201573
Papermakers B162217948
Highest Out Shot: Steve (Swan) 129

24th Apr 2024Bearsted ClubvWestborough Club B2 . 42 . 11 . 15 . 6
BullvSwan2 . 41 . 21 . 14 . 7
Papermakers AvEagle B1 . 51 . 21 . 13 . 8
Eagle AvPapermakers B4 . 22 . 11 . 17 . 4
ByevWalnut Tree B
1st May 2024SwanvBearsted Club4 . 22 . 11 . 17 . 4
Eagle BvBull2 . 40 . 31 . 13 . 8
Papermakers BvPapermakers A2 . 42 . 11 . 15 . 6
Walnut Tree BvEagle A3 . 32 . 12 . 07 . 4
Westborough Club BvBye
8th May 2024Bearsted ClubvEagle B3 . 32 . 11 . 16 . 5
BullvPapermakers B4 . 21 . 21 . 16 . 5
Papermakers AvWalnut Tree B4 . 21 . 20 . 25 . 6
Eagle AvBye
SwanvWestborough Club B3 . 32 . 10 . 25 . 6
15th May 2024Papermakers BvBearsted Club2 . 41 . 21 . 14 . 7
Walnut Tree BvBull5 . 12 . 11 . 18 . 3
ByevPapermakers A
Westborough Club BvEagle A3 . 33 . 02 . 08 . 3
Eagle BvSwan3 . 30 . 32 . 05 . 6
22nd May 2024Bearsted ClubvWalnut Tree B1 . 52 . 12 . 05 . 6
Papermakers AvEagle A6 . 01 . 21 . 18 . 3
SwanvPapermakers B6 . 02 . 11 . 19 . 2
Eagle BvWestborough Club B2 . 41 . 20 . 23 . 8
29th May 2024ByevBearsted Club
Eagle AvBull2 . 41 . 21 . 14 . 7
Westborough Club BvPapermakers A5 . 12 . 12 . 09 . 2
Walnut Tree BvSwan2 . 41 . 21 . 14 . 7
Papermakers BvEagle B0 . 60 . 30 . 20 . 11
5th Jun 2024Bearsted ClubvEagle A4 . 22 . 10 . 26 . 5
BullvPapermakers A4 . 21 . 20 . 25 . 6
Eagle BvWalnut Tree B4 . 21 . 21 . 16 . 5
Papermakers BvWestborough Club B1 . 50 . 30 . 21 . 10
12th Jun 2024Papermakers AvBearsted Club2 . 42 . 11 . 15 . 6
Westborough Club BvBull2 . 42 . 12 . 06 . 5
Eagle AvSwan2 . 41 . 21 . 14 . 7
ByevEagle B
Walnut Tree BvPapermakers B5 . 12 . 12 . 09 . 2
19th Jun 2024Bearsted ClubvBull3 . 32 . 12 . 07 . 4
SwanvPapermakers A4 . 22 . 12 . 08 . 3
Eagle BvEagle A3 . 31 . 22 . 06 . 5
Papermakers BvBye
Walnut Tree BvWestborough Club B4 . 21 . 20 . 25 . 6
26th Jun 2024 - Free Week
3rd Jul 2024 - Singles Knockout Cup
10th Jul 2024 - Free Week (EURO 2024 semi-final)
17th Jul 2024Westborough Club BvBearsted Club3 . 32 . 10 . 25 . 6
SwanvBull3 . 32 . 11 . 16 . 5
Eagle BvPapermakers A3 . 32 . 12 . 07 . 4
Papermakers BvEagle A2 . 41 . 21 . 14 . 7
Walnut Tree BvBye
24th Jul 2024Bearsted ClubvSwan3 . 30 . 32 . 05 . 6
BullvEagle B2 . 41 . 20 . 23 . 8
Papermakers AvPapermakers B4 . 23 . 01 . 18 . 3
Eagle AvWalnut Tree B4 . 22 . 10 . 26 . 5
ByevWestborough Club B
31st Jul 2024Eagle BvBearsted Club4 . 20 . 32 . 06 . 5
Papermakers BvBull2 . 42 . 00 . 24 . 7
Walnut Tree BvPapermakers A5 . 12 . 12 . 09 . 2
ByevEagle A
Westborough Club BvSwan1 . 51 . 21 . 13 . 8
7th Aug 2024Bearsted ClubvPapermakers B4 . 22 . 11 . 17 . 4
BullvWalnut Tree B3 . 30 . 31 . 14 . 7
Papermakers AvBye
Eagle AvWestborough Club B3 . 31 . 21 . 15 . 6Committee decision
SwanvEagle B1 . 51 . 21 . 13 . 8
14th Aug 2024Walnut Tree BvBearsted Club1 . 52 . 10 . 23 . 8
Eagle AvPapermakers A2 . 41 . 22 . 05 . 6
Papermakers BvSwan1 . 51 . 20 . 22 . 9
Westborough Club BvEagle B4 . 22 . 12 . 08 . 3
21st Aug 2024Bearsted ClubvBye
BullvEagle A4 . 21 . 00 . 25 . 6
Papermakers AvWestborough Club B3 . 32 . 11 . 16 . 5
SwanvWalnut Tree B2 . 41 . 21 . 14 . 7
Eagle BvPapermakers B6 . 01 . 22 . 09 . 2
28th Aug 2024Eagle AvBearsted Club2 . 40 . 31 . 13 . 8
Papermakers AvBull3 . 32 . 10 . 25 . 6
Walnut Tree BvEagle B3 . 32 . 11 . 16 . 5
Westborough Club BvPapermakers B5 . 11 . 22 . 08 . 3
4th Sep 2024Bearsted ClubvPapermakers A6 . 03 . 01 . 110 . 1
BullvWestborough Club B5 . 10 . 32 . 07 . 4
SwanvEagle A5 . 12 . 12 . 09 . 2
Eagle BvBye
Papermakers BvWalnut Tree B2 . 40 . 31 . 13 . 8
11th Sep 2024BullvBearsted Club4 . 22 . 10 . 26 . 5
Papermakers AvSwan2 . 42 . 11 . 15 . 6
Eagle AvEagle B1 . 51 . 22 . 04 . 7
ByevPapermakers B
Westborough Club BvWalnut Tree B4 . 21 . 21 . 16 . 5
18th Sep 2024 - Free Week
25th Sep 2024 - Doubles Knockout Cup
2nd Oct 2024 - Charity night / Captain's Cup
9th Oct 2024 - AGM / Presentation
16th Oct 2024 - Competition

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